Cycle 58 Candidate to Cadet Ceremony
On January 31, 2022, Thunderbird Challenge Program promoted their candidates to the rank of Cadet. This ceremony marked the completion of the acclimation period at TCP. Not only is this a special day for the cadets, but for the Operations Team as well.

Cadet Johnson receiving an elbow bump of congratulations from Commandant Traci Johnson
The Operations team put in a lot of dedication and hard work during the two week training period. They have trained the students the proper technique for shining their boots, tucking their pant legs, and making their beds. Female candidates have been taught the correct military style hair bun. All of this is in addition to learning the military styles of marching, column right and column left on command, and the cadences that the cadets and cadre sing while marching around post.
During the Candidate to Cadet Ceremony, the first set of Guidon Bearers from each platoon is announced. This is an honor voted on by the Team Leaders. Voting is based on who sets the best examples and who has become a natural, positive leader in their platoon. 1st Platoon Guidon Bearer, Cadet Chaffee; 2nd Platoon Guidon Bearer, Cadet Renner; 3rd Platoon Guidon Bearer, Cadet Mills; and 4th Platoon Guidon Bearer, Cadet Harper. The Guidon Bearers will take commands from the Cadre and lead the platoon when marching, as well as carry the Guidon Flag with the Platoon Number.
Once the Ceremony was completed, the Cadets were taken back to their post for a celebratory lunch followed by some fun in the sun activities including a friendly competitive game of flag football. This was also an exciting day for the Cadets, as they were able to make their first phone call.

Cadets Chaffee, Renner, Mills, and Harper
Now that the cadets are ready and acclimated to the Thunderbird Challenge Program standards, they will begin the next phase of the program, which will lean heavy on education and other core components that will be featured in future stories.