Cycle 58: On the Ground
On the Ground
On a cold, snowy January weekend, Thunderbird Challenge Program welcomed the Candidates for Cycle 58. These young men and women were greeted by numerous TCP Staff, as well as members of the Oklahoma National Guard. Once the papers were signed, and goodbyes were said, the candidates were escorted to the gym to begin their 2 week acclimation period.

After the haircuts were given, shakedowns completed, and uniforms handed out, the candidates started Day One with a home cooked meal, prepared by the “Most Famous Guy on Campus”, Chef Mark and his highly skilled culinary team. They were lined up outside the Dining Facility (DFAC) and were taught the correct way to march in formation, learn right face and left face on command, stand at parade rest, and how to properly address authority as well as their fellow candidates. During these 2 weeks, the candidates will become acclimated to the military way of life.

During the acclimation period, the candidates will also begin their Physical Fitness test. They will be tested on their 1-mile run, pushups and sit ups. During this phase they will also begin their Circuit Training, this is where they sprint to different stations to perform exercise activities that include, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, etc. It is during this time that the candidates will create bonds that will not only get them through the duration of the program, but that will carry on far past their graduation.

Once the acclimation period is complete, Thunderbird Challenge Program will hold a small ceremony on post to graduate the candidates to Cadets.