Mentor Reference Response Thunderbird Challenge Program 501 South Elliott Street Pryor, OK 74361Website: Phone: 918-824-4853 (Mentoring Dept.) Fax: 918-824-4829 (Mentoring Dept.)Student's Name First Middle Last Reference's Name First Last Email Home PhoneWork PhoneReference ResponseThis person has applied for volunteer mentor work with the Thunderbird Challenge Program, which focuses on the needs of at-risk youth. He or she is being considered for a match with an at-risk-youth in a one-to-one relationship. Please help us learn whether this person is suited for this type of volunteer mentor work. We would be grateful if you would answer the questions on this form as fully and carefully as you can. Information received will be kept in confidence.Mentor Name First Last How long have you known applicant?In what way?Does the applicant have a good home relationship?Does he or she work well with others?Does he or she have a tendency to over-commit him/herself?Get too involved?How would you rate him or her so far as the following are concerned?Personal habits Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Character Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Morals Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Compassion for those in need Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Emotional stability Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Receives constructive criticism Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Health Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown Other CommentsIf you were in our position, would you, without hesitation, consider this person as a volunteer mentor with an at-risk youth? Yes No ExplainSignatureDate Month Day Year Would you like to be a mentor for this cadet or another cadet? Yes No PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. SCANNING TIPSYou can download a scanning app on your smartphone that will convert document photos to PDFs. More Scanning Tips Printable FormPrintable alternative Download PDF